Saturday, January 9, 2010

Concerning My Blog

My blog link was sent to many people who find it in their best interest to slander others specifically Rose Creek Village especially if they feel that they have been mistreated by them. However; I have no interest in gosiping about Rose Creek or finding away to put myself in a better light than they are by saying hurtful things about them. In fact, I find it sickening that people can see one thing and twist it around for their own purposes. Everyone makes mistakes and you are blind if you cannot believe that is true. I believe by making harsh statements about those who do their best to follow Christ and His teachings is not a grand idea. No one has all the answers and by trying to find a loop hole to catch a sincere person (or people) in is a good way to stir the wrath of God upon yourself.

I have closed my blog to general readers so if someone wishes to see my blog they have to ask me first.... I do NOT want my blog in the crossfire of Rose Creek Village "Cult" debates. If you say they are a cult you are right in the literal since that they are their own culture and special one that and I am glad to have had the rare opportunity of growing up there.

If you post any comments on my blog I would like you to know that I do not write to fan the flame for Rose Creek aguement. Thank you!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh No! Not the Transmission!

My hubby and I have a car.... It is the first car a have ever owned and so far it has caused me a lot of grief. Transmissions are expensive business... The torque corverter had been rebuilt as well as good many things around it about two years ago. The torque converter is something the is only found in automatic cars. It acts as a clutch - without it (in an automatic) the engine would cut out if you tried to stop the vehicle.

My car had transmission trouble back before Thanksgiving and we had it "repaired" for under $150. I thought "wow this is awesome!" Ans thought nothing of it for weeks. Well right before Christmas it died again. I couldn't even go 5miles per hour without the RPMs going way above 4.

Yesterday, back to the shop it went. This time the real repairs are costing around 2K and we have a really reliable machanice who specializes in transmissions work on it. All I can say is thank God for my hubby's parents becuase we sure don't have the money. They are covering the whole bill.

As for traspertation to and from school Monday and Tuesday I get to ride a train for the first time in my life! I am a little nervous since I have never done it before, but I am sure it can't be too complicated... I hope...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh boy! Here we go.

I am quickly approaching my due date... I am going for another ultrasound in the next week or so to make sure all is well. I have 10 weeks left and my stomach never ceases to swell with my ever growing child... I get less sleep at night but I believe it is in preparation of his coming.

He seems to enjoy kicking at my ribs and my bladder especially when I need to urinate and have to wait - sorry that was probably a TMI moment. He got the hicups the other day... I don't think he liked them at all. After they were gone he was moving like a crazy man. I couldn't help but laugh.... My laughter didn't help the situation. His kicks got sharper. I believe he was angry....

Babies are a miracle... Pregnancy is the Hand of God in action... Their are no words that I can write that even come close to what it is like to feel my baby move inside me. The awe of it consumes me at times. I love watching as my stomach moves back and forth and/or up and down as he practices his acrobatics. The process of becoming a mother starts (at least for me) when the baby moves. I already feel deeply in love with my son.

I am heading back to school for another semester of school next week and it won't be over till the 23rd. Kai is due the 19th but am hoping that he will wait to be born till after the 23rd. From my expriences babies always come in their own timing so my hopes aren't too high.