Monday, December 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Waking Dream & Mixed Thoughts of a Miricle

We all are either so busy with what we are doing or lazily letting each day pass by that we rarely see the little things in life that might give you the belief that there are miricles.

Personally, my life feels like a waking dream....  I walk around each day and think to myself it is a miricle that I really live and breath on this planet, and then I freak myself out with my own thoughts.

Sometimes I feel like one of the dolls in The Doll House.  My brain is programmed to take on a certain personality and I have to play my part the best I can for the good of the people around me.  When I've spent the time that is allotted to me I will be given my real self.  Kinda like being on earth is a dream and when I wake up I will be somewhere else - Heaven or where ever people go after this life is done.

I look at all the people around me each day I'm in school, and I wonder at the creativity God has.  Each person has their own sense of how things are, and how they interact with each person they meet.  Each holds something beautiful inside themsleves.  Human kind is God's artwork of a miricle.

Malakai Riel Maresco "Kai"

This is my little man at 17 wks & 3 dys.

When I feel him move inside me it makes so happy!  I am so in love with my baby boy!

As a little girl I used to fantasize about being a mother but now it is just around the corner for me.  Sometimes looking back across the years makes me wonder what happened to all that time...   

Being a mother is the greatest honor a woman can have.  Having my own son in my arms is gonna be so unreal!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Marescobaby's Notepad

This notepad is a post of my son's due date. It automatically updates everyday so the listings are current. 

Friday, October 16, 2009

How do you know you have a real friend???

I have been thinking a lot about friendship lately and the following thought struck me...

"Friendship is like the relationship between the hand and the eyes. Its like when the hand gets hurt the eye cries and when the eye cries the hand wipes away the tears."
I find that picture to be a perfect one of what friendship is, and not only that but how the body of Christ (the Church his Bride) works together.

It is amazing. The eyes don't wonder if they should cry or not when the hand gets hurt and the hand never argues about why it should or shouldn't wipe the eyes' tears away.

We are all running the race of life, right? If your feet were to trip and you fell down your hands would automatically go out in front of you to protect your face and body from hitting the ground as hard and getting hurt far worse than it would without that protection. On your way down your hands don't argue with the brain saying that the feet tripped so it is their fault; the feet should be putting themselves out there for the the impact and the scrapes. The hands don't stay in a willful stubbornness against the body and say that they aren't going to put themselves out there to get the scratches when they know good and well that they are fully capable of saving the body from worse pain than a few scrapes and bruises they will receive from their act of serving the whole. They stretch themselves out without even a passing thought for themselves.

That is how Christ is with us... Wow! we are blessed.

Anyway, I found that to be a great picture to share. I hope this stirs up thought.